Friday, January 27, 2012

Random Friday

Here's my random:

1. I reached into my daughter's drawer on Tuesday and was surprised to find all of her pants folded and in nice little piles. I could also tell her too-small 18-month pants were gone because the drawer was at at about quarter capacity. I had this weird feeling that some OCD person (more likely just someone very neat and organized) had been in my daughter's drawer and cleaned it out and folded everything into neat little piles. I paused for a second, and then I realized that person was me. I just completely forgot I had done it. I think I was secretly hoping for some mysterious person to come into my house and do that for me. Surprise cleaning and organizing. Every day. In every room. Wouldn't that be awesome? In all honesty, I'm still a little shocked every time I open that drawer.

2. My youngest daughter now has a catch phrase. She says, "Oh, man!" in a really whiny voice. It's from Swiper on Dora the Explorer. When she drops her cup: "Oh, man!" When she can't get her arm in her shirt: "Oh, man!" It's much better than her usual reaction, which would be a major tantrum. And it's pretty darn cute.

3. Monday I fulfilled my preschool volunteering duty for the year and helped with the annual mid-year classroom clean. The volunteers (there were probably 10-15 of us) were charged with wiping down every single thing in the classroom. That means every Lego, every plastic vegetable, every shelf and drawer, every plastic super hero action figure, and every wooden block. Everything. It was a flurry of cleaning. We had it done in just over 2 hours. I dream such a cleaning troupe would scrub their way through my house.

4. How is it possible that I live in Minnesota and do not own a proper stocking hat? And is there a non-Dad word for stocking hat? If nothing else, I need one so I can slap it on my head at preschool pickup and drop off and not have to think about my hair. Notice I didn't say "do my hair." Usually I just think about how I should have done something to my hair.

5. I made a yummy veggie, ham, and cheese bake for supper last night. At least I thought it was good. My daughters each ate about two bites, and my husband was gone for the evening.  Nothing like a giant casserole for one!

Now you'll have to excuse me, "My tummy is feeling a bit eleven-o'clockish." (Name that movie.) Time for leftovers.

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